
Using the boardgame Borel to teach probability
Vortragende/r: Prof. Dr. Helmer Aslaksen
Institution:Universität Oslo
Datum:06. November 2021
Zeit:12:30 - 14:00 Uhr
Plätze:noch 29 Plätze frei

I will demonstrate a game called Borel (https://www.playborel.com/), which consists of cards with statements like “Flip a coin four times. Will you get Heads exactly two times?”. Every player gets cards that say “Yes”, “No”, $100, $300 and $800. You select the yes or the no card and one of the money cards, and then you reveal your bets simultaneously, conduct the experiment, and settle the bets. The cards contain statements about rolling dice (with 6, 10, 20 and 30 sides), flipping coins, and drawing colored balls from pouches.

I have used the game in my classes at the university and for students in both lower and upper secondary schools. You can divide the students into groups, and it will generate lively discussions. Many of the cards in the game are quite tricky, but you can make your own cards, based on whatever topics in probability your students have covered, and just use the framework for the game.

I will give you forms that you can use to record your bets and winnings, so we can play the game. I will discuss the mathematics behind some of the cards, to give an idea of how to use the game in your teaching.